
Keyfocus planned a Douyin(TikTok) challenge for FrisoHK with the theme "Top Choice of Moms Across Hong Kong." The campaign focused on the Greater Bay Area as its core promotional territory, combining various social media platform strategies. It encouraged collaboration among moms in the Greater Bay Area to share their experiences and stories with FrisoHK, acting as advocates for the brand. This approach aimed to attract more moms from the Greater Bay Area, leveraging the sustained word-of-mouth effect to drive ultimate sales.

Keyfocus generates compelling topics to boost visibility and capture attention. We create engaging short videos for pre-event promotions. Additionally, we design H5 pages and landing pages to redirect traffic and distribute coupons. This process generates a significant amount of user-generated content, which is then transformed into a rich collection of testimonials that solidify FrisoHK as the 'Top Choice.'