Decoding Quaker Magic Academy IP Content Marketing ————Establishing a Youthful Brand Image with Comprehensive Coverage

Keyfocus successfully crafted a content marketing IP for the Quaker which has a history of over 140 years.

Faced with the challenges of an aging brand and competition from new brands in the same category, especially in a market where the youth demographic dominates but shows minimal interest, Keyfocus stepped in to address these issues.

Keyfocus created the QuakerOats Magic Academy, helping the brand navigate the global platform, targeting the youth market,  and establishing a rejuvenated image.

The initiative received the "Content Marketing IP" Silver Award at the 8th Phoenix Tree Awards.


How to break through the brand rejuvenation? Keyfocus delved into the essence of the Quaker brand: starting as a nutrition expert in oats, Quaker brought valuable nutrition from nature. While oat products were becoming a trend in consumer demand, there were numerous confusions and questions among the target audience. Keyfocus aimed to provide a professional content outlet to address and answer these queries.

When it comes to knowledge popularization, it often tends to be perceived as dull and tedious. How can we transform mundane educational content into something engaging? Imagine the fusion of Quaker's European genetics with Western magic – what creative inspirations could arise? With numerous magical secrets about oats, how can we captivate the target audience's curiosity? Keyfocus brought the knowledge of oats into the realm of a magical academy, giving birth to the Quaker Oats Magic Academy. We successfully crafted the industry's first oat knowledge school, an educational IP. Personifying the IP, we invited the audience to embark on an oat magic journey, unlocking the secrets for a refined lifestyle.

In an era of fragmented traffic, Keyfocus strategically addressed the content aspect, understanding needs, and predicting trends. The Contents Hub approach included in-depth knowledge, expert analyses, quick tips, and fashionable uses. It tackled questions like "Why are oats good? What's good about them? How can they be better? Who says they're good?" The approach used rich media forms such as copy, images, and videos, with Quaker's official self-media as the core and the existing official media's fans as the first core audience, spreading oat nutrition and educating about the category.

The online diversified content columns, such as Magic Q&A, Oat Magic Classroom, Magic Transformations, and Magic Welfare Station, primarily used WeChat, supplemented by multi-dimensional communication on video platforms. On Weibo, interaction with consumers continued, while the Magic Food Tasting on Red showcased the magic of oats, seeding trends, leveraging brand and user value creation, and building brand reputation.

Offline, the Oat Magic Academy went to campuses, entering kindergartens and transcending boundaries. Internal courses at PepsiCo's cultural week earned numerous praises.


The Quaker Oat Magic Academy leveraged content to explore new marketing possibilities, unlocking new areas for brand communication. Social media acted as a medium to attract, engage, and initiate interaction.

Offline activities combined fun and magic; the Magic Academy Culture Month attracted people of all ages to participate in the activities.


Quaker Oat Magic Academy's IP content marketing, with its entertaining knowledge dissemination, super interaction,broke through and drove brand innovation. Backed by the platform's ecology, the initiative created long-term value for the brand in terms of user and content value. With practical and highly interesting content, it demonstrated a more significant long-tail effect. The long-term retained content not only stimulated long-term repurchase conversion but also assisted in the long-term consolidation of brand awareness. Quaker's brand has become a permanent fixture in the context of the youth, using diverse interactive content and a precise media matrix to maximize brand volume. The content has a closed loop, and the promotion has depth, creating a positive cycle of decision-making and comprehensive penetration.